Results for 'Pierre Mahe Lambert'

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  1.  27
    Form Constants, Visual Synesthesia, Entoptic Vision.Hervé-Pierre Lambert - 2019 - Iris 39.
    En 1928 la théorie des form constants par Klüver catégorisait les hallucinations visuelles en quatre grandes catégories. Alors que la notion de form constants venait à s’appliquer virtuellement à toutes les figures entoptiques, comme l’avait prévu son auteur, dont les photismes synesthésiques, Cytowic a décrit et Carol Steen représenté ce que voient réellement des synesthètes visuels. L’une des caractéristiques d’œuvres de peintres synesthètes serait justement la présence de ces formes classées par Klüver. L’anthropologie avec la thèse de l’externalisation a montré (...)
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    Littérature et histoire du christianisme ancien.Marie-Pierre Bussières, Serge Cazelais, Eric Crégheur, Lucian Dîncă, Steve Johnston, Jonathan I. Von Kodar, Jean-François Létourneau, Jean-Pierre Mahé, Louis Painchaud & Paul-Hubert Poirier - 2007 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 63 (1):121-162.
  3.  16
    Synesthesia: A Neurological and Cultural Revolution.Hervé-Pierre Lambert - 2015 - Iris 36:63-83.
    À partir des années 1980 eut lieu une véritable révolution dans la connaissance du phénomène neurologique de la synesthésie, qui s’est accompagnée d’une révolution culturelle avec l’apparition de témoignages personnels de synesthètes. Cette représentation littéraire et plastique des perceptions synesthésiques fait partie du mouvement contemporain de représentations autobiographiques de différentes conditions neurologiques. Carol Steen, Patricia Lynne Duffy et Marcia Smilack sont des acteurs pionniers de la représentation des perceptions synesthésiques. From the 1980s, a revolution took place in the knowledge of (...)
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    Imagination, Neuroscience and Olfaction: Confirmations and Extrapolations.Hervé-Pierre Lambert - 2012 - Iris 33:37-51.
    Cognitive sciences and neurology finally put the stress on olfaction and its dysfonctionalities. Their researches may explain linguistic phenomenoms (insuitability between language and odors) or litterary issues (proustian memory). Neurology and anthropology apparently conclude that there is a fundamental inadequation between human language and odors, opposed to language and colors’s subtle and narrow links.
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    B. Plateau du Parnasse.Jean-Pierre Michaud, Nicole Lambert, Georgette Delibrias & Pierre Amandry - 1972 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 96 (2):906-913.
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  6. Jean-Pierre Torrell, Initiation a saint Thomas d'Aquin. Sa personne et son oeuvre.M. Lambert - forthcoming - Revue Internationale de Philosophie.
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  7. Le phénomène humain de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: genèse d'une publication hors normes.Dominique Lambert - 2022 - Bruxelles: Éditions Jésuites. Edited by Marie Bayon de La Tour, Paul Malphettes & Paul Poupard.
    C'est sur le chemin étonnant et sinueux du célèbre Phénomène Humain que nous entraîne cet ouvrage, nous invitant à la table de l'Histoire : contexte ecclésial, oppositions intellectuelles notoires sur la marche de l'Univers, dédale des allers-retours entre Pierre Teilhard de Chardin et ses supérieurs à la recherche d'un nihil obstat" jamais décroché, et enfin, une publication post-mortem, au succès et au retentissement foudroyants. Se basant sur les archives privées de la Compagnie de Jésus et des documents inédits ou (...)
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    Dominique Lambert, Un atome d'univers : la vie et l'oeuvre de Georges Lemaître. Bruxelles, Éditions Racines, Éditions Lessius (coll. « Au singulier »), 2000, 376 p.Dominique Lambert, Un atome d'univers : la vie et l'oeuvre de Georges Lemaître. Bruxelles, Éditions Racines, Éditions Lessius (coll. « Au singulier »), 2000, 376 p. [REVIEW]Jean-Pierre Fortin - 2002 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 58 (2):405-406.
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    Tertullien, La Chair du Christ. Tome I : Introduction, texte critique, traduction et commentaire de Jean-Pierre Mahé, Tome II : Commentaire et index de Jean-Pierre Mahé . Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 1975. 312 et 172 pages. [REVIEW]R. -Michel Roberge - 1976 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 32 (3):332.
  10.  18
    De la rationalité éclatée à la rationalité réunifiée : l’économie comportementale, un nouveau paradigme?Aude Lambert - 2022 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 22 (1):107-128.
    Notre travail se donne pour objectif de montrer que le point de rupture entre l’économie néoclassique et l’économie comportementale réside dans la manière dont chacune définit la rationalité. Cette dernière était parfaitement unifiée par la maximisation. Mais Simon pose les fondements de l’économie comportementale en critiquant précisément le concept néoclassique de rationalité et en suggérant que l’agent suit des modes de raisonnement alternatifs. Bien que Kahneman et Tversky proposent une typologie de ces modes de raisonnements, ils les réunifient ultimement dans (...)
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  11.  23
    Formalisme et ritualité chez Boulez et Stockhausen.Lambert Dousson - 2009 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 4 (2):85-95.
    Résumé De nombreuses musiques cherchent à exercer sur les auditeurs une « efficacité symbolique » : transformer l’instant musical en rite d’initiation, faire entrer les corps en transe, convertir les émotions musicales en émotions corporelles, c’est-à-dire les affects en actions. En s’appuyant sur les écrits théoriques de Pierre Boulez et Karlheinz Stockhausen, cet article tente de montrer comment chez ces deux compositeurs cette utopie d’une subjectivation à travers la ritualisation de l’écoute s’articule à l’entreprise formaliste d’autodéfinition de la musique, (...)
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    Book Review - Lambert, Dominique; Bayon de La Tour, Marie; Malphettes, Paul. Le Phénomène Humain de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin : Genèse d’une publication hors normes. Bruxelles: Éditions Jésuites, 2022. [REVIEW]Andreas Gonçalves Lind - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78 (4):1793-1798.
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    on Robert Barcia's La véritable histoire de Lutte Ouvrière, Daniel Bensaïd's Les trotskysmes and Une lente impatience, Christophe Bourseiller's Histoire générale de l'ultra-gauche, Philippe Campinchi's Les lambertistes, Frédéric Charpier's Histoire de l'extrême gauche trotskiste, André Fichaut's Sur le pont, Daniel Gluckstein's & Pierre Lambert's Itinéraires, Michel Lequenne's Le trotskysme: une histoire sans fard, Jean-Jacques Marie's Le trotskysme et les trotskystes, Christophe Nick's Les trotskistes, and Benjamin Stora's La dernière génération d'octobre.Ian Birchall - 2005 - Historical Materialism 13 (4):303-330.
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    Françoise Mies, éd., Bible et sciences. Déchiffrer l'univers. Avec la collaboration de Pierre-Maurice Bogaert, François Euvé, Dominique Lambert, Jacques Trublet et Jacques Vermeylen. Namur, Presses Universitaires de Namur (coll. « Connaître et croire », 8) ; Bruxelles, Éditions Lessius (coll. « Le livre et le rouleau », 15), 2002, 199 p.Françoise Mies, éd., Bible et sciences. Déchiffrer l'univers. Avec la collaboration de Pierre-Maurice Bogaert, François Euvé, Dominique Lambert, Jacques Trublet et Jacques Vermeylen. Namur, Presses Universitaires de Namur (coll. « Connaître et croire », 8) ; Bruxelles, Éditions Lessius (coll. « Le livre et le rouleau », 15), 2002, 199 p. [REVIEW]François Dion - 2004 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 60 (1):183-185.
  15.  30
    Dominique Lambert, René Resöhazy. Comment les pattes viennent au serpent. Essai sur l'etonnante plasticite du vivant.Piotr Lenartowicz - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 (1):278-280.
    The general ideas of this book are of double origin. One source is akin to the relatively recent current of biological thought named Evo-Devo. Second source belongs to a more ancient French philosophical tradition represented, among others, by Bergson and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Few words about the Evo-Devo research program. Its creation was prompted by the analysis of the developmental processes in the embryos of different species. About fifteen years ago some discoveries related to the dynamics of the (...)
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    Altered states of knowledge: The attainment of gnōsis in the hermetica.Wouter Hanegraaff - 2008 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 2 (2):128-163.
    Research into the so-called “philosophical” Hermetica has long been dominated by the foundational scholarship of André-Jean Festugière, who strongly emphasized their Greek and philosophical elements. Since the late 1970s, this perspective has given way to a new and more complex one, due to the work of another French scholar, Jean-Pierre Mahé, who could profit from the discovery of new textual sources, and called much more attention to the Egyptian and religious dimensions of the hermetic writings. This article addresses the (...)
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  17. PAC: encore un effort.J. C. Bureau & L. P. Mahé - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 4.
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    Does the Relation between Rapid Automatized Naming and Reading Depend on Age or on Reading Level? A Behavioral and ERP Study.Marjolaine Cohen, G. Mahé, Marina Laganaro & Pascal Zesiger - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Neural model for learning-to-learn of novel task sets in the motor domain.Alexandre Pitti, Raphaël Braud, Sylvain Mahé, Mathias Quoy & Philippe Gaussier - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Zuidervaart, Lambert. Adorno's Aesthetic Theory: The Redemption of Illusion.Lambert Zuidervaart - 1992 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (3):251-252.
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    Discours de M. Lambert.Johann Heinrich Lambert - 2018 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 44:149-157.
    [506] Je ne m’arrêterai pas à vous entretenir, Messieurs, sur la liaison des connaissances, qui sont l’objet de chacune des quatre classes de cette Académie. Ces liaisons sont celles de toutes les sciences, et les mêmes que celles qui enchaînent les vérités, de façon qu’elles en font un tout étroitement uni en toutes ses parties. La classe de physique expérimentale, à laquelle j’ai cru devoir me vouer, me donnera lieu de vous offrir un point de vue plus particulier, en ce (...)
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  22. Johann Heinrich Lambert: treatise on the criterion of truth (1761) ; New organon (1764).Lambert - 2009 - In Eric Watkins, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: Background Source Materials. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  23. Lambert-Index.Norbert Hinske & Johann Heinrich Lambert - 1983
  24. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science [by] Karel Lambert [and] Gordon G. Brittan. --.Karel Lambert & Gordon G. Brittan - 1970 - Prentice-Hall.
  25.  71
    Philosophical applications of free logic.Karel Lambert (ed.) - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Free logic, an alternative to traditional logic, has been seen as a useful avenue of approach to a number of philosophical issues of contemporary interest. In this collection, Karel Lambert, one of the pioneers in, and the most prominent exponent of, free logic, brings together a variety of published essays bearing on the application of free logic to philosophical topics ranging from set theory and logic to metaphysics and the philosophy of religion. The work of such distinguished philosophers as (...)
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  26.  74
    Social Philosophy After Adorno.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Lambert Zuidervaart examines what is living and what is dead in the social philosophy of Theodor W. Adorno, the most important philosopher and social critic in Germany after World War II. When he died in 1969, Adorno's successors abandoned his critical-utopian passions. Habermas in particular, rejected or ignored Adorno's central insights on the negative effects of capitalism and new technologies upon nature and human life. Zuidervaart reclaims Adorno's insights from Habermasian neglect while taking up legitimate Habermasian criticisms. He also (...)
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  27.  92
    Free Logic: Selected Essays.Karel Lambert - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Free logic is an important field of philosophical logic that first appeared in the 1950s. J. Karel Lambert was one of its founders and coined the term itself. The essays in this collection explore the philosophical foundations of free logic and its application to areas as diverse as the philosophy of religion and computer science. Amongst the applications on offer are those to the analysis of existence statements, to definite descriptions and to partial functions. The volume contains a proof (...)
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    Adorno, Heidegger, and the Politics of Truth.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2024 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
    A critical and creative reconstruction of Adorno's conception of truth that shows its relevance for comtemporary philosophy, art, and politics.
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  29.  21
    In Search of a New Image of Thought: Gilles Deleuze and Philosophical Expressionism.Gregg Lambert - 2012 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Gregg Lambert demonstrates that since the publication of _Proust and Signs_ in 1964 Gilles Deleuze’s search for a new means of philosophical expression became a central theme of all of his oeuvre, including those written with psychoanalyst Félix Guattari. Lambert, like Deleuze, calls this “the image of thought.” Lambert’s exploration begins with Deleuze’s earliest exposition of the Proustian image of thought and then follows the “tangled history” of the image that runs through subsequent works, such as _Kafka: (...)
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  30. Ālayavijñāna: on the origin and the early development of a central concept of Yogācāra philosophy.Lambert Schmithausen - 1987 - Tokyo: International Institute for Buddist Studies.
    pt. 1. Text -- pt. 2. Notes, bibliography and indices.
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    Meinong and the principle of independence: its place in Meinong's theory of objects and its significance in contemporary philosophical logic.Karel Lambert - 1983 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    As well as aiming to revive interest in Meinong's thought, this book challenges many of the most widespread assumptions of philosophical logic.
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  32.  16
    Philosophical problems in Logic.Karel Lambert (ed.) - 1970 - Dordrecht,: Reidel.
    The essays in this volume are based on addresses presented during a colloquium on free logic, modal logic and related areas held at the University of California at Irvine, in May of 1968. With the single exception of Dagfinn F011esdal, whose revised address is included in a recent issue of Synthese honoring W. V. Quine, all of the speakers at the Irvine colloquium are contributors to this volume. Thanks are due to Professor A. I. Melden, Chairman of the Department of (...)
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  33.  15
    Truth in Husserl, Heidegger, and the Frankfurt school: critical retrieval.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    An innovative, ambitious, tradition-crossing study drawing on the work of Husserl, Heidegger, Horkheimer, Adorno, and Habermas to propose a new and transformative concept of truth. The idea of truth is a guiding theme for German continental philosophers from Husserl through Habermas. In this book, Lambert Zuidervaart examines debates surrounding the idea of truth in twentieth-century German continental philosophy. He argues that the Heideggerian and critical theory traditions have much in common—despite the miscommunication, opposition, and even outright hostility that have (...)
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    The Nature of Argument.Karel Lambert & William Ulrich - 1980 - New York, NY, USA: Upa. Edited by William Ulrich.
    The authors contend that most contemporary logic textbooks fail the average student because they emphasize the evaluation of arguments over their clarification, assuming that the student already understands what motivations underlie logic.
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    Free Logics.Karel Lambert - 2001 - In Lou Goble, The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 258–279.
    The expression ‘free logic,’ coined by the author in 1960, is an abbreviation for ‘logic free of existence assumptions with respect to its terms, singular and general, but whose quantifiers are treated exactly as in standard quantifier logic.’ In more traditional language, such logics do not presume that either singular or general terms — the two distinct categories of terms emphasized in modern logical grammar — have existential import. A singular term ‘t’ has existential import just in case t exists (...)
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  36. Adorno's Aesthetic Theory: The Redemption of Illusion.Lambert Zuidervaart - 1993 - MIT Press.
    Theodor Adorno's Aesthetic Theory is a vast labyrinth that anyone interested in modern aesthetic theory must at some time enter. Because of his immense difficulty of the same order as Derrida - Adorno's reception has been slowed by the lack of a comprehensive and comprehensible account of the intentions of his aesthetics. This is the first book to put Aesthetic Theory into context and outline the main ideas and relevant debates, offering readers a valuable guide through this huge, difficult, but (...)
  37. Existential import revisited.Karel Lambert - 1963 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4 (4):288-292.
  38. Is Theism Compatible With Moral Error Theory?StJohn Lambert - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (3):1-20.
    This paper considers whether theism is compatible with moral error theory. This issue is neglected, perhaps because it is widely assumed that these views are incompatible. I argue that this is mistaken. In so doing, I articulate the best argument for thinking that theism and moral error theory are incompatible. According to it, these views are incompatible because theism entails that God is morally good, and moral error theory entails that God is not. I reject this argument. Since it is (...)
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    The non-philosophy of Gilles Deleuze.Gregg Lambert - 2002 - New York: Continuum.
    Printbegrænsninger: Der kan printes 10 sider ad gangen og max. 40 sider pr. session.
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    The philosophy of perception: phenomenology and image theory.Lambert Wiesing - 2014 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Lambert Wiesing's The Philosophy of Perception challenges current theories of perception. Instead of attempting to understand how a subject perceives the world, Wiesing starts by taking perception to be real. He then asks what this reality means for a subject. In his original approach, the question of how human perception is possible is displaced by questions about what perception obliges us to be and do. He argues that perception requires us to be embodied, to be visible, and to continually (...)
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  41.  14
    Ich für mich: Phänomenologie des Selbstbewusstseins.Lambert Wiesing - 2020 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
  42.  27
    Art in Public : Politics, Economics, and a Democratic Culture.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book examines fundamental questions about funding for the arts: why should governments provide funding for the arts? What do the arts contribute to daily life? Do artists and their publics have a social responsibility? Challenging questionable assumptions about the state, the arts and a democratic society, Lambert Zuidervaart presents a vigorous case for government funding, based on crucial contributions the arts make to civil society. He argues that the arts contribute to democratic communication and a social economy, fostering (...)
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    Artificial Presence: Philosophical Studies in Image Theory.Lambert Wiesing - 2009 - Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
    These phenomenological studies on the philosophy of the image review contemporary image theory while defending the fundamental insight that images alone make the artificial presence of things possible.
  44.  23
    Neues Organon oder Gedanken über die Erforschung und Bezeichnung des Wahren und dessen Unterscheidung vom Irrtum und Schein.Johann Heinrich Lambert - 1764 - de Gruyter.
  45.  13
    Derivation and counterexample.Karel Lambert - 1972 - Encino, Calif.,: Dickenson Pub. Co.. Edited by Bas C. Van Fraassen.
  46.  33
    Kirrha 2008‑2015 : un bilan d’étape.Raphaël Orgeolet, Despoina Skorda, Julien Zurbach, Lou de Barbarin, Reine Marie Bérard, Brice Chevaux, Jonhatan Hubert, Tobias Krapf, Anna Lagia, Alexia Lattard, Raphaëlle Lefebvre, Jérémy Maestracci, Alexandre Mahé, Ioanna Moutafi & Simon Sedlbauer - 2017 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 141:41-116.
    Cet article constitue la présentation des recherches effectuées par une équipe franco-grecque sur le tell de Kirrha en Phocide entre 2008 et 2015, et représente la publication préliminaire des structures archéologiques mises au jour. Deux secteurs distants l’un de l’autre ont été fouillés, révélant une dense occupation de l’Helladique Moyen, ainsi que des niveaux s’étageant jusqu’à l’Helladique Récent III. Notamment, une nécropole de la période transitionnelle (Helladique Moyen III – Helladique Récent I/II) a été fouillée dans la partie occidentale du (...)
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  47.  15
    Artifizielle Präsenz: Studien zur Philosophie des Bildes.Lambert Wiesing (ed.) - 2005 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Die Studien zur Philosophie des Bildes verfolgen eine doppelte Absicht: Sie bemühen sich einerseits um einen Überblick über die grundlegenden Positionen innerhalb der gegenwärtigen Bildwissenschaft und versuchen andererseits stets einen systematischen Hauptgedanken zu verteidigen: Bilder präsentieren; nur Bilder ermöglichen die artifizielle Präsenz von ausschließlich sichtbaren Dingen, die den Gesetzen der Physik enthoben sind. Vor dem Hintergrund dieses Bildbegriffs wird die Verwendung von Bildern als Zeichen aus einer phänomenologischen Sicht beschrieben, Platons Mimesis-Begriff anhand seiner kanonischen Bildvorstellungen rekonstruiert und die besondere Bedeutung (...)
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  48. On the Problem of the External World in the Ch’eng wei shih lun. Tōkyō: The International Institute for Buddhist Studies.Lambert Schmithausen - 2005 - The International Institute for Buddhist Studies.
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    Sobre la lógica en general.Johann Heinrich Lambert & Luciana María Martínez - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (173):187-193.
    Se ha intentado realizar una traducción literal del texto de Lambert. En contadas ocasiones se han substituido construcciones sintácticas del alemán por otras que facilitan, a juicio del traductor, la lectura del texto en español. Asimismo, en algunos pasajes se han alterado los signos de puntuación, con la finalidad señalada.
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    The visibility of the image: history and perspectives of formal aesthetics.Lambert Wiesing - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Now available in English for the first time, The Visibility of the Image explores the development of an influential aesthetic tradition through the work of six figures. Analysing their contribution to the progress of formal aesthetics, from its origins in Germany in the 1880s to semiotic interpretations in America a century later, the six chapters cover: Robert Zimmermann (1824-1898), the first to separate aesthetics and metaphysics and approach aesthetics along the lines of formal logic, providing a purely syntactic way of (...)
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